
At the end of 2007, Dave Jorgensen and Bill Skamarock will be stepping down as Co-Chief Editors of MWR---Dave after ten years of service to MWR. I will be assuming the role of Chief Editor.
My Editorial Board for 2008 will be Jeff Trapp, Fuqing Zhang, Liz Ritchie, Nolan Atkins, Jim Hansen, Jim Doyle, and Tom Hamill. To the best of our knowledge this is the youngest Editorial Board for an AMS journal ever. I am proud of these volunteers!
I have been active in founding and serving as Assistant Editor to the Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology (EJSSM). EJSSM is an open-access, international, scientific, formal, online journal for the publication of original and updated research on all kinds of severe storms.
Just recently, I have been asked to serve as Assistant Editor to Atmospheric Science Letters, published by the Royal Meteorological Society in the United Kingdom. I have accepted their offer.
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